Wednesday 12 January 2011

SORRYYYY I have been lazies : (

Well, a lot has happened. We have had Christmas and New year go by and until now I have not really been able to find the motivation to blog. BAD VICI! I shall punish myself by forcing pictures of Nick Griffin on myself...


. . .phew okay. . .I think it's over now - my eyes didn't pop under the strain of -



AAAAnyway - punishment over. I will now mention that I really enjoyed Christmas and New year was I have not been that drunk in a loooong time. Mainly because I suffer badly for it the next day. It was so worth it though.

I won't go into details about what I did on New Years...lets just say that drunken truth or dare is the best game ever. I will also take this opportunity to apologise to all the people I phoned drunk that night...I seem to have a bad habit of calling people while intoxicated.

Christmas was nice and quiet. Emily cooked a really lovely meal - even if she did salt the roast vegetables until only she could eat them. I joked and said she's over salted the veg before - so she told me she would be more careful this time. She burst out laughing when the dinner was cooked - and told me that somehow she had managed to make them saltier than the last time she cooked me dinner. Go figure - Emily is always heavy handed with the spices bless her sweet heart. I took one bite of the vegetables and thought my heart stopped beating for a little while...

It was easily the best Christmas I ever had though - being with Dan, Emily and Vanessa on such a special day was lovely~

I am missing my friends from Uni sooooo much though! It's only been a few weeks but I am missing them much more than I thought I would - considering the short time space apart.

Without really realising it until recently, Oxford has become my home, and I'm pining after it now that  I'm not there. It sounds sad when I say it like that, but it's true. It's nice though, feeling like I know where I should be. 

Winter homework for Japanese reading and writing is happening very slowly for will be finished but the question is when..? It's silly homework - our teacher is silly...genshi is silly...meh.

Oh yeah, I'm so articulate!

Well it's late my dears - so it's time for bed! This post is for you Silje! Without your msn shouts of "post something NAO!" this wouldn't have been possible. Feel honoured! <3 love yooou~

Night night! x

(Oh by the way - just thought I would add one more thing. New Year's is not New Year's without a BRIGHT RED MANKINI WITH BELLS ON THE BALLS! ... consider youselves educated.)

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