Wednesday 24 November 2010


Hey there~
Okay people, (even though I have zero followers right now) I HAS BLOG AGAIN. I actually couldn't get into the blog called kangeroos, nipples and insanity after I made my first post for some strange reason. So I have another one now! Hopefully this time I will be able to post more than one thing before my account goes, "holy crap no moar!" *cue computer explosion*
 So anyway, if anyone is wondering the name Captain ThunderCrotch III comes from the book that I am writing called 'Dream Walker' I'll probly put up some chapters of it soon for the few people that I know will read it.
 I'm writing it for NaNoWriMo (national writing month) so I need to write 50,000 words from the beggining to the end of November. Hahahaha...yeah I don't think I'll make it somehow. I only have 22,000 at the moment, I'll need to write about 5000 words a day to finish in time. The trouble with this is that my characters keep freezing up on me. They're all like, 
"Naoooooo! 'Shant do that!" and I'm all, 
"Yeaaaaaaahuh you will tho! 'Shant aint a word!".
Unless it is my character Mason...who usually says something like, "I do believe that it is rather foolish to push us into something we do not want to do. It has never helped you to produce good work before. However, I will agree that "'shant" is not a word."
 And so the argument continues until someone ends up in tears or being eaten by giant spiders. (Fave chapter in my book so far! You've got to love the huge man eating spiders.)
 Oh well, you can't win them all. I really should be priorotising work for uni at the moment anyway. I have exams and deadlines to make soon. Christmas is nearly here! 
I have mentioned this to few people before but I used to actually be afraid of Santa. I remember grilling me parents about how Santa knew where we lived and how he got into the house every year. They told me just to stop asking questions in the end, they had given him a spare key to our house and there was nothing I could do about it. So fuck off child and enjoy your presents. In reality he's probably the worlds most celebrated paedophile.
 I was a weird child.
 I also used to cut off the hair to my Barbie dolls, remove their clothes and tie them to the legs of our kitchen chairs so they couldn't get away.
 People stopped buying me dolls after a while for some reason.
 Except for my Grandma, who I've never had the heart to tell that I am afraid of dolls. She then decided that a good Christmas present for me a few years ago would be a GIANT FUCK OFF china doll. It still haunts my nightmares. If it was stood next to me know the top of it's head would be at my shoulder. However it can't be stood next to me at the moment because it is now locked away in my families attic. I was too afraid to sleep with it in my room.
 It didn't help that my older brother Alex, knowing the fear that dolls strike into my heart, decided to roll up a piece of paper into it's hand and leave it for me to find, it read;
 "Dear Vici,
 Dolly. xxx
 Even though I knew my brother was the one who had written this, because he loved teasing me about my fear of Zombies and dolls (both of which only exist because of him, but that is another story.) I still couldn't sleep until the doll was locked away.
 It is probably in our attic eating spiders and bugs to sustain itself until the day when it can come downstairs again and eat human flesh. Waiting...always waiting...
 Bye for now~

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