Saturday 5 March 2011

I haven't posted in ages again, have I? Whoops

Sorry about that, in all honesty not a lot has been going on. I've been battling with my body, trying to convince it that sleep IS a good idea. Then once it finally agrees with me, I then have to convince it that waking up feeling REFRESHED is what most people expect. Not to be too fussy or anything but I grow tired of trying to pry myself from my bed sheets when I'm feeling like I haven't slept, when I know I have.
  Mr Professor Sir Jeremy Humpledink shares
my feelings.

Also, it has gotten to that stage where work is piling up on top of me. It feels a bit like a very fat sweaty man is sitting on my just can't forget that he's there. Ever. Even when enjoying myself I feel his damp hands molesting my joy, making it dirty and wrong.

I feel so abused...

 There I was, innocently eating out with friends, and I heard him whisper to me inside my head. "Don't have  two essays due soon...soon...soon...soon..." his last ominous word hung in my mind, echoing through the empty spaces. (There are many.) Then he stopped to ask if he could have a slice of my mates pizza...
 I feel so isolated...he has me right where he wants me. Giving him pizza just to get him to leave me alone for two seconds.

 Honestly! Why can't I have a pretty woman asking me to do my work! I would probably listen then...

"Do your work, now."

 Fffff anything you say, Drew Barrymore!
 . . .
 Okay, I've just admitted to fancying a Charlies Angel haven't I? *nervous cough* I promise that all the films I watch are not as tacky. I mean in only the past two weeks I have watched some AWSOME films, for example,

Okay so this isn't "awsome" per se,
but I mean...I-I..OKAY onto the 
next film.

Okay I know what this looks like
but I can explain!...*whimper*

could you not love this film, it stars Mr T!

"Oh yeah."

 Also, you've gotta love Steve the monkey and the ratbirds, right? It's a brilliant film and I fully recommend it if you are looking for a laugh. As for the other two films...well, what can I say? They are excellent films because they are terrible films. Something trashy to watch when you don't want to think about anything.

Well, with that I shall leave you,
 Ta ta!